
A little Trivia About The Declaration Of Independence

Some quite interesting trivia about the Declaration of Independence. Outside of America it was first published in the Belfast Newsletter on the 23rd of August, 1776. A copy of the document was being transported to London when bad weather forced the ship to port at Derry. The document was then carried on horseback to Belfast for the continuation of its voyage to England, where a copy was made for the Belfast newspaper. Eight of the fiftysix signatories on the document were of Ulster-Scots Presbyterian stock. They were John Hancock, President of the Continental Congress who had family ties in Co.Down; William Whipple, whose parents arrived in Maine from the North of Ireland in 1730; Robert Paine, his grandfather came from Dungannon; Thomas McKean (his father came from Ballymoney); Thomas Nelson, his grandfather came from Strabane; Matthew Thornton from Londonderry, he settled in New Hampshire in 1718; and George Taylor, son of an Ulster Presbyterian minister and Edward Rutle

Do You Have A Soul Mate.

Do you have a soulmate? Is it the person you last see at night before you close your eyes to sleep - the person you see first thing that you wake up? Someone you have an affinity with, a connection so deep, and an understanding that is - simply simple and straightforward that sometimes words are unnecessary. You feel as though they know what you are thinking - sometimes before you are thinking it? When you met this person you felt as though you had known them forever - though you know nothing about them; and you cannot IMAGINE them not ever being in your life again. Do you have a person like that in your life? Plato's story of soulmates in 'The Symposium.' tells us that humans once had four arms and four legs and a single head made up with two faces. They could walk upright, both backwards and forwards and they could also go down on four arms and four feet tumbling along at a terrific pace when they wanted to run. "Terrible was their might and strength,

The Sock Drawer

This morning looking through my sock drawer, I found one polka dot sock two stripey socks (different coloured) - A Pink fluffy sock, a blue fluffy sock. A sock with hearts and one with stars! A plain brown one, A few more stripey ones all different colours -two white ones with different coloured bands, a pink one with a hole in the toe and one pair of simple white! The search made me think of the nature of individuality. Are my socks straining to lose each other to assert their own individuality? I did not think "perhaps it is time for me to get more organised"

Belfast Lough


Monday's Thoughts

I believe that the world from a human centric point of view is totally irrational. Life itself though is totally rational, unemotional-unsentimental and extremely creative. From the most basic unicellular organism to the more complicated one life finds a way. Some people say that life can be called 'the absense of death' but I doubt if that would explain what life is and life thrives on death. Think of the havoc bacteria or a virus can unleash in the human body. It doesn't matter whether an organism is simple or complicated..Life just keeps on going - evolving - adapting. That is what life is about.


Some people believe that knowledge sets us free. Perhaps it gives us the means and the tools to better our situation in the world; but I do not believe that it frees us. Knowledge leaves us open to all sorts of foolishness and stupidity. There is a belief that progress (or scientific advancement) is our species driven destiny but for all the good that can come from scientific advancement; a better standard of living, a longer life span- there also comes the capacity to destroy and kill on a magnitude never before imagined. We only need to look at the modern world to see the evidence of this. If you think about how we have advanced as a species you could become fearful for the future. Plato believed that the highest form of human activity was contemplation. There was once a time when being human was not so much about changing the world but seeing it. I mean by ’seeing it’ that there is a spiritual or metaphysical component to life that needs to be understood and explained. Plato bel


What of people who appear briefly in a life; lives that clash and meld- (in the grand scheme of things)-momentarily. They are as falling stars or arcing rainbows trailing across the sky tapering off in wisps ending in no particular place. They are the bitter after taste of dark chocolate. Time passes and they become vague mixed up memories. If they had a lesson to teach, a story to tell or a role to play in that life, that moment has passed. They have slipped into the ether of another reality. BUT WHAT, IF ANYTHING, IS LEFT?