Man Falling
In a few seconds
You’d lost your name.
In ten, your life.
Ten seconds… slowed
For eternity
For all the world to see.
We turned away.
In shock and grief.
We could not take
The starkness of
The sight
Of you falling
One among many (that day).
Some turned to faith
Some only saw
Man’s naked cruelty
To man.
And in distress
Turned right away.
Turned right away.
Tomorrow and the
Next day and…
No matter how
Much time will pass.
I will never forget
The man falling.
The world changing.

You’d lost your name.
In ten, your life.
Ten seconds… slowed
For eternity
For all the world to see.
We turned away.
In shock and grief.
We could not take
The starkness of
The sight
Of you falling
One among many (that day).
Some turned to faith
Some only saw
Man’s naked cruelty
To man.
And in distress
Turned right away.
Turned right away.
Tomorrow and the
Next day and…
No matter how
Much time will pass.
I will never forget
The man falling.
The world changing.