
Showing posts with the label plato

Do You Have A Soul Mate.

Do you have a soulmate? Is it the person you last see at night before you close your eyes to sleep - the person you see first thing that you wake up? Someone you have an affinity with, a connection so deep, and an understanding that is - simply simple and straightforward that sometimes words are unnecessary. You feel as though they know what you are thinking - sometimes before you are thinking it? When you met this person you felt as though you had known them forever - though you know nothing about them; and you cannot IMAGINE them not ever being in your life again. Do you have a person like that in your life? Plato's story of soulmates in 'The Symposium.' tells us that humans once had four arms and four legs and a single head made up with two faces. They could walk upright, both backwards and forwards and they could also go down on four arms and four feet tumbling along at a terrific pace when they wanted to run. "Terrible was their might and strength,...