
Showing posts from September, 2010

Monday's Thoughts

I believe that the world from a human centric point of view is totally irrational. Life itself though is totally rational, unemotional-unsentimental and extremely creative. From the most basic unicellular organism to the more complicated one life finds a way. Some people say that life can be called 'the absense of death' but I doubt if that would explain what life is and life thrives on death. Think of the havoc bacteria or a virus can unleash in the human body. It doesn't matter whether an organism is simple or complicated..Life just keeps on going - evolving - adapting. That is what life is about.


Some people believe that knowledge sets us free. Perhaps it gives us the means and the tools to better our situation in the world; but I do not believe that it frees us. Knowledge leaves us open to all sorts of foolishness and stupidity. There is a belief that progress (or scientific advancement) is our species driven destiny but for all the good that can come from scientific advancement; a better standard of living, a longer life span- there also comes the capacity to destroy and kill on a magnitude never before imagined. We only need to look at the modern world to see the evidence of this. If you think about how we have advanced as a species you could become fearful for the future. Plato believed that the highest form of human activity was contemplation. There was once a time when being human was not so much about changing the world but seeing it. I mean by ’seeing it’ that there is a spiritual or metaphysical component to life that needs to be understood and explained. Plato bel...