Are you a carer? Do you ever feel sick to the back teeth telling people (social workers, psychologists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists etc) what exactly would help you and the person you care for? Have you read books and watched documentaries to find out as much as you possibly can about the particular disability until finally you don’t want to know any more for all the knowledge you have gathered hasn’t really helped anyway? Do you feel that your case is so well documented it probably has its own room in the social worker’s office? Apparently many people who care for others are isolated because of the situation that they find themselves in. So they don’t know about the things monetary or otherwise that they may be entitled to. Social workers are there to make sure that these people don’t miss out. Carers (in my experience) are not stupid people, as a general rule they do know what they are entitled to, or they know about most of the things that they are entitled to. What ha...